Interior House Painting
This interior house painting job left these Westlake home owners feeling like they bought a new construction home! The transformation that a new coat of high-quality paint made in all of the room of this house left zero signs of the previous home owners. This post shows the new paint in the kitchen, eating area and the flex room. With rich, fairly neutral colors, fresh paint on all the walls, wooden trim, windows and doors, these new Westlake home owners were thrilled with their decision to choose Cleveland Custom Coatings. More than just slapping on a coat of paint, our painting and coating professionals help home owners choose the right product to cover their surface for a lifetime - standing up to the wear and washing that's appropriate for each surface.
Interior House Painting in Westlake
Interior House Painting in Westlake
If you live in the Greater Cleveland area and are considering a new coat of paint, maybe some painted cabinets and wallpaper, don't choose a painter before getting a free estimate from the residential painters at Cleveland Custom Coatings. With a solid history in commercial painting our interior house painting professional are experts at choosing which paints and coatings are right for the project. Some local painters are known for using poor quality, watered-down paint that does not stand up to washing, let alone being bumped up against with furniture. Why invest your money in poor quality paint paint job that you'll have to paint over in less than a year when your walls are full of scuff marks and dirt that won't wash off. Unfortunately, the wrong choice in paint won't reveal itself until it's too late.
Choosing Cleveland Custom Coatings ensures the right advice in paint and coatings choices to make your investment in the interior painting project will last. Contact us for a free quote.
Free Estimate: Westlake Interior Painting
Get a free estimate for your Westlake interior painting project from Cleveland Custom Coatings. Call our Westlake office at 216-372-4700 or fill out this contact us form on the page. We'll receive your form by email and contact you within 1 business day.
Cleveland Custom Coatings provides residential and commercial painting services throughout the greater Cleveland area. Most our residential house painting jobs are on the west side of Cleveland, in Westlake, North Olmsted, Olmsted Falls, Berea, Bay Village, Rocky River and Avon and Avon Lake neighborhoods. However, if you're in the Greater Cleveland area, reach out with a quote request and we may have a painting crew in your neighborhood to schedule the job.